Real Estate AmesIA

This is a study trying to predict the price of the real Estate in Ames IA (regression model) and the type of transaction that takes place normal or Abnormal (classification model). As a human being, you must admit that at some point in your life you thought you knew about something more than you actually did. Don’t be ashamed because, amongst other things, we walk around this world carrying a backpack full of assumptions. They are useful most of the times… but not always. So, let’s try to take some weight off this bag and figure out what are these things that really matter when establishing the price in the real estate. Ready to find out? photo303159

This is a brief description of this project.

  1. Dataset contains over 2000 real estate transactions that took place in Ames, IA in between 2006 and 2010.
  2. There are above 80 features or characteristics of each property involved in the transaction.
  3. There is one exercise to predict the saleprice of the unit (regression).
  4. Second one case to determine if the transaction was normal or abnormal (classification).
  5. The link: AmesIA on GitHub.
Written on November 20, 2017